Israel intensifies strikes on Gaza; Gaza Health Ministry says 8,000 now killed


10/29/20232 min read

Two days after sending soldiers into Gaza, Israel’s military warned residents to head south with increasing “urgency.” Phone and internet connections were returning to parts of the strip after a near-total blackout.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have experienced the heaviest night of Israeli bombardment since the war with Hamas began three weeks ago.

Hamas-run authorities said hundreds of buildings were destroyed in air and artillery strikes, and that at least 377 people were killed in the past day.

Israel's military said its warplanes hit 150 underground targets, including tunnels and other infrastructure.

Tanks and troops also went into the Strip and clashed with Hamas fighters.

The military said some soldiers would remain in the field, as Israel's defence minister declared that the war had entered a "new phase".

Speaking at a news conference on Saturday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had entered the second stage of the war with Hamas.

He said additional Israeli ground forces have gone into what he called "that stronghold of evil" - referring to Gaza - to "dismantle" Hamas and bring hostages home.

"This will be a long and difficult war," Mr Netanyahu added.

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